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clinical leadership team

We are proud to have the support of such a high quality group of experienced doctors as the Clinical Leadership Team.

This team ensures we continue to foster a culture of clinical excellence, independence, professional development, and importantly, personal wellbeing for doctors. In addition, the regional structure reinforces our ongoing efforts to bring decision making closer to the local practice.

Dr Carolyn Roesler

Clinical Director SA- Head of Governance (Policies & Procedures)

Dr Sneha Wadhwani

Clinical Director NSW – Head of GP Wellbeing & Women’s Health

Dr Adriaan Nel

Clinical Director NSW

Dr Palmyra De Banks

Clinical Director VIC – Head of Performance

Associate Professor Jonny Levy

Clinical Director – Skin2 Skin Cancer and Health Clinics

Dr Carmichael Patu

Clinical Director WA

Dr David Copeland

Dr David Copeland

Regional Clinical Director Queensland.

“I am very excited to be a part of the future of medical practice. ForHealth is making significant investments into supporting doctors to achieve the best health outcomes for their patients.”

Dr Charles Phillis

Clinical Director – Occupational Health & Immigration Services Lead